Designed for the Hospital. Simple, Effective & Proven.
UV sanitization keeps staff and visitors safe and improves patient experience. It combats the challenges of infection prevention in today’s world and provides a necessary sense of safety and assurance in clinical care. As the healthcare industry adopts more mobile-first technologies, infection control risks are very much a reality. According to multiple studies, our phones are about the dirtiest objects in our lives, harbouring on average nearly 20,000 diistinct types of bacteria. Pathogens on devices impact the efforts of hand hygiene when proper measures are not in place that combine sanitizing hands and devices simultaneously. CleanSlateUV is a simple, fast, and effective way for patients and staff to kill the germs on their phones, while washing or sanitizing their hands. With a core technology that has been used for years and trusted by hospitals around the world, CleanSlateUV is simple to use, and in 20 second offers patients the ability to place safety in their own hands.
20-Second Sanitizing Cycle
Rapid 360º sanitization proven to kill at least 99.999% of dangerous bacteria and viruses.
Hospital-Grade Efficacy Testing
EPA recommended standards used to prove effectiveness even with light soiling.
Works on A Range of Devices
Sanitize smartphones, tablets, voceras, badges and other non-medical devices.
No Device-Damaging Chemicals
No chemicals are used or interact with expensive touchscreen devices.
Automatic Compliance Tracking
Track facility-owned devices via RFID tagging and a cloud compliance suite.
NICU & Critical Care
Sanitize Staff & Visitor Devices. Protect NICU Patients.
Staff and visitors are required to wash their hands as they enter Neonatal Intensive Care (NICU) – but what about the devices in their pockets, around their necks or on their belts? These devices are among the dirtiest surfaces in the hospital, and are often touched immediately after we wash or sanitize our hands. CleanSlateUV’s 20 second, no Liquid, no Heat and no chemical solution allows NICUs to address this problem. The intuitive solution can be placed next to hand washing stations in your NICU, so staff and visitors can sanitize their hands and devices with ease.
Unit or Facility Entranceways
Sanitize Staff & Visitor Devices at the Speed of Light.
Staff and visitors are required to wash their hands – but what about the devices in their pockets, around their necks or on their belts? These devices are among the dirtiest surfaces in the hospital, and are often touched immediately after we wash or sanitize our hands.
ClleanSllateUV’s 20 second, no Liquid, no Heat and no chemical solution allows hospitals to address this problem. The intuitive solution can be placed at nursing stations or unit entrances, so staff and visitors can sanitize their hands and devices with ease.
Quickly Sanitize Mobile Devices, Protect Yourself & Patients.
The OR is a busy place. Many staff use mobile devices – such as tablets and smartphones – to help make work more efficient. But sanitizing these devices is anything but simple. Chemical wipes often corrode screens or act too slowly. As a result, these devices are often contaminated with bacteria as they move around the OR and travel home with staff at the end of a shift.
ClleanSllateUV’s 20 second, no Liquid, no Heat and no chemical solution allows ORs to address this problem. The intuitive solution can be placed outside change rooms, control rooms or on nursing desks for easy integration into your unit’s workflow.
Device Specifications
26.7” x 16.45” x 12.2”
9.5” x 12.7” x 4.5”
Desktop Footprint:
15.7” x 16.45”
Pathogenic Kill Rate
S. aureus (MRSA) – 99.9998% reduction
C. difficile (spores) – 99.97% reduction
E. faecalis (VRE) – 99.9992% reduction
E. coli – 99.9991% reduction
S. enterica (Salmonella) – 99.999% reduction
All testing conducted with bioburden per ASTM E1153.
*3rd party lab efficacy report available upon request
Kill Germs, Not Your Mobile Devices.
UV-C light, which is normally blocked by the ozone layer, can be used to kill germs such as bacteria, viruses and spores.
Germicidal UV has been used in healthcare, food, and biotech for over 30 years. UV light is categorized according to wavelength as shown in the diagram above
How Does UV-C Light Kill Germs?
UV light is one type of electromagnetic radiation that comes naturally from the sun and can be artificially created with specialized bulbs. There are three types of UV radiation – UV-A, UV-B, and UB-C – none of which can be observed by the naked eye. Of the three, UV-C has the smallest wavelengths and is the one required for UV disinfection. UV-C light disrupts the DNA and RNA of pathogens, eliminating their ability to replicate. It does not physically remove the cells. This technology works by line of sight, so the light must reach a surface in order for bacteria or viruses to be deactivated.

Insert Device(s)

Close Lid

Wait 20 Seconds

Remove with Clean Hands
Impact on Devices
Antibacterial wipes and disinfectants are actually super abrasive and can damage or scratch your phone. Most wipes require you to leave the chemical solution on the surface, untouched, for 2-4 minutes in order for them to be effective.
Allll mobiille device companies prohibit the use of disinfectants on their screens. Some allow for a ‘gentle application’ of 70% isopropyl alcohol (70% IPA), but this concentration is not strong enough to kill superbugs on phones.
How to Use the CleanSlate UV Mobile Device Sanitizer
There is a safe, fast, and effective way for staff and visitors to disinfect cell phones, tablets, and other mobile devices that is way less abrasive and more effective in killing all germs. CleanSlateUV will kill 99.999% of viruses and bacteria, ensuring that clean hands touch germ-free devices. CleanSlateUV can disinfect in just 20 seconds and can be used by anyone – Its simple and no training required.