Clinical workflow intelligence and reporting enhancing Canadian Healthcare.
In order to optimize workflow and communication for care givers, decision makers demand accurate, actionable information. Critical Alert’s innovative data platform consumes and correlates data from nurse call systems, medical device telemetry, ADT and RTLS platforms for the purposes of creating a real-time snapshot of patient experience, staff responsiveness, unit workload and hospital performance.
Clinical leaders can view, trend and compare patient satisfaction and responsiveness metrics by health system, region, hospital, unit, room, patient, or caregiver. Armed with this data, leaders can reinforce their decision-making, and process improvement initiatives around patient experience and clinical workflow effectiveness. Accessible from any desktop or mobile device, CommonPath Analytics is easy-to-use, configurable and can be deployed in any environment.
CommonPath Analytics Care Metrics
Providing insights using four key indicators to benchmark patient behavior, caregiver responsiveness, and performance.
Patient Interaction Wait Time
142.8 secs

Interaction Wait Time
Identifies how long patients waited after using the call light before a caregiver or team member entered the room or communicated with them.
Patient Request Rate
12.42 /hr

Patient Request Rate
Identifies how often the patient presses their call light button to ask for help, measuring the frequency a patient requires assistance.
Interruption Rate
28.08 /hr

Interruption Rate
Many of healthcare errors can be traced back to faulty communication. AMPM provides the solutions that keep staff in the know and patients safe.
Critical Request Rate
5.58 /hr

Critical Request Rate
Minimize alarm fatigue with Critical Alert’s workflow software that helps staff prioritize alarms without hindering patient care.
Enabling healthcare professionals to increase responsiveness, purposeful rounding, and patient satisfaction in real-time.
The patented solution collects and correlates data from nurse call systems, medical devices, middleware, and RTLS solutions along with patient perception feedback gathered during rounding to create an accurate, real-time picture of patient experience, responsiveness, staff workload and unit performance.
The flexible, enterprise analytics platform enables comparison of units across multiple hospitals, normalized by patient days (eg. response time by all medical-surgical units across all facilities).
More Responsive Care
Faster Response Times
Stronger & Smarter Teams
Increased Efficiency
More Satisfied Patients
Real-Time, Unit-Based Activity Monitoring
Analytics can be used to show staff workload and patient behavioral patterns by hospital, unit, or care team. The solution can summarize all event activity by room, displaying a scatter graph of each rooms nurse calls. This helps to identify patterns of risky patient behavior such as bed exits.
The system can also be used to inform staffing processes, such as making shift assignments. A clinical leader can use the tool’s heat map to identify patients with higher than average call volume and balance the workload across the shift.
Root Cause Analysis
Providing historical data correlating events to outcomes enables caregivers to make data driven decisions that lead to better patient outcomes. Better understanding causation allows for more proactive intervention and delivery of care.
The system provides visualization of incidents like falls or complaints. Clinical leaders can visualize an event by unit, room, date, and time to gain better insight to the effectiveness of workflow from the nurse call, RTLS presence and other activities on the unit.
Trending of Alert & Alarms
The solution enables leaders to view historical data and key performance indicators (KPI) such as responsiveness, the volume of nurse calls and the number of escalations. These can be configured by time, caregiver, and location.
Leaders can also view alert/alarm notification trends by the volume of nurse calls or telemetry events, providing context within the messaging. This allows for better comprehension of the impact on patient safety, the effectiveness of staff and to inform process and workflow improvements.
Nurse Call Reporting
Our platform includes a cache of operational nurse call reports, real-time administrative dashboards that provide nurse leaders with visibility of nurse call workflow. Accessible from any web-enabled terminal, the reporting enables real-time and retrospective insight on initial call/alert, notifications, dispatch of staff, patient/caregiver interaction, rounding compliance and fulfillment.
Having the visibility in to your nurse call system’s performance allows data driven decision to be made to optimize workflow, minimize alarm fatigue, and ensure clinical and patient safety.